Washington State

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Since its inception in 1930, the Department of Veterans Affairs has encouraged and sought citizen volunteer assistance in its Medical Centers and Domiciliaries. By 1946, it became obvious that in order to function effectively and eliminate duplication, a viable organization was needed.  Thus, the VAVS was established to provide members of Veterans, Service and Fraternal Organizations an opportunity to assume important roles in determining the quality of life for hospitalized veterans. 
The plan included an Advisory Committee comprised of National Representatives of participating organizations. The Order is represented on this prestigious committee by the Director of the National Veterans Service Commission. Through its involvement with VAVS, the Elks provide effective use of its Lodges, members and State Associations in “Serving Our Nation’s Veterans”.
The VAVS is made up of 60 National Organizations and meets annually to conduct business, elect officers and hold workshops for the instruction of its members. Regional organizations also render meaningful support to several of these activities